“Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” St. John Paul II
And so to you all from all of us at VCY, we encourage you believe and live these wonderful words from St. John Paul II and continue along on your wonderful adventure. Whatever life throws at you, and let’s face it, wherever you are in the world, it’s being thrown at you dear Friends… whatever hurdles you have to endure, see the adventure and love within the challenge.
Embrace it, own it, and persevere through it.
Whether suffering or in pain, or if you are climbing the highest mountain, the adventure continues from this world to the next. Our bidding is to do God’s work and share his message of Love throughout the world. And we at VCY encourage you to do that. To prepare this world for Our Blessed Lord’s return. You don’t have to cure world hunger, or develop a free at source vaccine for the developing world (these things will be help) – but instead, Just Love Each Other, and that starts with just a smile or a twinkle in your eye.
Pray a Little and Love a lot. And today, we encourage you, in whatever way do you, and however you can, to “dance” a lot.
I am the life That'll never, never die; I'll live in you If you'll live in me - I am the Lord Of the Dance, said he.
God Bless and Let the Holy Spirit In,